Manage your email accounts
With a little help from this function in your cloud hosting portal, you can manage your email accounts. You can create, change, and delete new accounts and aliases (redirects).
Creating an email account
Here is how you create a new mailbox:
- Click on the ‘New mailbox’ button.
- You will now see rows of text boxes. First, enter the email address which you would like to create. To do this, simply insert the section in front of the @ sign. You will also use the entire email address ([email protected]) as a user name when you access your mailbox via your cloud hosting portal’s webmail or via another email program.
- The next two fields are just for entering the password. Enter your future mailbox password in both fields.
- Afterwards you can enter an optional comment about the mailbox. If you have many mailboxes, it is especially helpful to display further information about the account, such as the name of owner or the name of a department.
- When you are finished, simply click the “Save” link. The account should now be done.
Editing an email account
As soon as you have set up an email account, you will have some new configuration options that you can set. To edit an existing mailbox, first click on the name of the mailbox in the mailbox overview or on the “Pencil icon” to the right of the mailbox.
In the first part “Mailbox settings” of the mailbox section, you can overwrite the basic settings for your mailbox, such as the password. This is especially useful if you have forgotten the password to your mailbox.
The “Copy” section allows you to add additional addresses (or remove them) where you want to forward incoming emails to. This means that the original email is stored in your inbox, and further copies are sent to the addresses stored in the “Copy” section. Simply enter an existing email address in the field “Copy to” and click on “Add”. The address should now appear in the list of additional recipients. By clicking on a registered address, you can either edit it or remove it completely (delete). You can enter both internal addresses ( and external email addresses. If you are satisfied with the list you have created, simply click on the “Save” button.
The next section deals with individual filter settings for your mailbox. Here you can overwrite the global settings for the spam filter, blacklist, and whitelist of your domain for individual mailboxes. The global settings are always in place by default. Remove the tick next to “Use global settings” if you want to change the settings for the specific mailboxes. The filter settings are similar to the global settings.
In the last section you can define additional settings for your mailbox. With “Activate/deactivate”, you can activate or deactivate a mailbox. With “Automatically deactivate on”, you can also define an expiration date for active mailboxes. After reaching this date, the mail system will automatically deactivate the mailbox. With “Quotas” you can define different limits for your mailbox.
- Mailbox memory limit: defines the mailbox’s maximum usable disk space. If the user exceeds this limit, the mail system rejects additional emails and sends a message to the sender.
- Mailbox mail limit: This is the maximum number of emails which a user can have in their mailbox.
- Message size limit: This allows you to specify a limit for the maximum size of an individual email.
In the maintenance area, you activate a setting to automatically delete older emails in the spam folder and trash for your mailbox. Simply enter the time period (in days) for how long an email should be stored in the folder. If you want mails in spam/trash to never be automatically deleted, move the slider to the far left to the “never” position.
The autoresponder (automatic replies)
The autoresponder is useful for sending a message to anyone who sends an email to that account. This can be useful, for example, if you’re on holiday and want to tell the sender that you can’t take care of the email until later. You can find the current status of the autoresponder (On/Off) for each mailbox in the column “Autoresponder”. To change the settings, click either on this status (On/Off) or on the arrow icon to the far right of this mailbox.
Useful autoresponder settings:
- Status: You can use this to switch the autoresponder function on or off (active/inactive).
- Automatically deactivate on: This defines a date on which the function is automatically deactivated by the mail system (for example, when you’re back from holiday).
- Subject: the automatically generated reply.
- Mail text: the message content of the generated reply. You can use the place holders on display here for specific elements (subject, recipient, and date) from the the email you receive. This may make it easier for people to react to your automated reply.
- Interval: This defines the interval at which the same sender should receive an automatic reply. This saves people who write to you from getting a flood of automated replies if they send you several emails.
Click on “Save” to apply the settings.
Deleting a mailbox
Click on the trash can icon to permanently remove a specific mailbox.
Important note: You can not un-do this command. If you delete a mailbox, you will lose all the emails in it that you have not already downloaded.
The catchall account
The catchall email account is an email address designed to receive emails for which there is no specified mail account or alias/redirect.
Example: Your domain is, and as administrator of the website, you have your own email account for this domain: [email protected].
If you define this account as your catchall account, all emails to [anything] will be routed to this mailbox. This means, for example, that emails sent to [email protected] will be delivered to the mailbox [email protected]. If you have not set up a catchall email account, an incoming email with an incorrect email address will be returned to the sender with an error message.
Please keep in mind, however, that catchall mailboxes also catch a lot of spam mails. They may grow rapidly, and so they can use a lot of disk space. Therefore, You should regularly delete or archive the emails that are redirected there.
To create a catchall account, go to the mailbox overview and click on the button “Manage catchall”. Once you are there, select the correct account and click on “Create” to activate this setting. You can deactivate the catchall by selecting the option “– No catchall –”.
Using an email address
Logging in via webmail
You can access your mailbox online using webmail. This also allows you to read, write, and send emails without you needing to install an email client on your local PC.
To access your account via webmail, just follow these quick steps:
- Using your browser (for example, Firefox), go to the address
- In the field “User name”, enter your full email address (for example, [email protected]).
- In the field “Password”, enter the correct password for this mailbox.
Setting up an email account with an email program
Setting up email applications differs from one program to the next. However, in most cases, your email applications should determine the proper server settings on their own by performing a lookup. The basic settings should look similar to these:
- Incoming mail server:
- Outgoing mail server:
- User name: [email protected]
- Password: Password to your mailbox
Important note:
- We recommend using SSL and TLS so you can transfer your data using encryption. Almost all email programs offer something similar.
- To help us prevent abuse, we require that your email client use SMTP authentication. Make sure that this is activated so that you can use your mailbox.
- Please check and maintain your mailbox on a regular basis. This will help you not go over your storage limits.