When you delete a file in Nextcloud, it is not immediately deleted permanently, only moved into the trash bin. It is not permanently deleted until you manually delete it, or when the Deleted Files app deletes it to make room for new files.
Find your deleted files by clicking on the Deleted files button on the Files page of the Nextcloud Web interface. You’ll have options to either restore or permanently delete files.
How the deleted files app manages storage space
To ensure that users do not run over their storage quotas, the Deleted Files app allocates a maximum of 50% of their currently available free space to deleted files. If your deleted files exceed this limit, Nextcloud deletes the oldest files (files with the oldest timestamps from when they were deleted) until it meets the memory usage limit again.
Nextcloud checks the age of deleted files every time new files are added to the deleted files. By default, deleted files stay in the trash bin for 30 days. Nextcloud calculates the maximum available space every time a new file is added. If the deleted files exceed the new maximum allowed space Nextcloud will permanently delete those trashed files with the soonest expiration until the space limit is met again.